This project was born from the desire of FEM Expert to develop a more realistic and accesible technology, that up to this moment is highly restrictive due to the very high costs of these vehicles. These costs are determined on one hand by the sensors and on the other hand by the fundamental aproach utilized by industry that has been promoting a phylosophy of more is better, utilizing more and more sensors that in term require better and more complex computing which finally leads to extremely high energy requirements.
Neva represents a change in vision, aproach, phylosophy and proposal in which FEM Expert is developing a self driving modular low cost system by exploring the human aspects of driving and proposing humanized solutions in order to obtain a functional, reliable and safe system that would have significantly smaller costs and higher efficiency.
This project is also multi level and transversal , contemplating social, psicological, economic and real live aspects that must be taken into consideration in order to successfully implement these type of technology in society.
The autonomous vehicles technologies will require fundamental changes in the legislation, insurance policies and also in the perception and acceptance of societies upon these type of technologies.
Since 2020 and despite all of the pandemic limitations, FEM Expert has been working in the Neva project along with the Nebrija University of Madrid and the Green Reseach Group, having the support of the Comunity of Madrid and the Europea Commision through an innovation initial funding.
We also have the fundamental support of Madrid Futuro a techonologycal ONG that has included the Neva project in the technology Sandbox of Madrid.
Also, for the first time in Spain and among the first one's in Europe, La Mutua Madrileña insurance, has insured our autonomous vehicle providing a corner stone support and endorsement to this project.